Top 10 tips to remember when you go away

Love Cats have made thousands of visits to our lovely furry clients since 2009 and our human clients have continually told us how well and happy their pets seem when they return. This is what we want. We love our job and want to continue providing the great service that we have to date.

Here are some important things to ensuring a smooth service from Love Cats while you’re away :

  1. Ensure that we are not the only holders of a spare key – if the key/lock fails for any reason (and this does occasionally happen), we need to know that there is someone else (who is not on holiday with you) who lives relatively locally, from whom we can get another key.
  2. If the spare keys that you give to us are newly cut, please test them first.
  3. Ensure that you leave enough food and litter to cover the care period and perhaps some extra (should you be delayed returning for any reason).
  4. Advise us at the time of registration if there are parking restrictions near your home – we will avoid certain times of day if we can but will need to bill extra for any parking charges incurred, if the restrictions are all day.
  5. Advise us whether you wish the keys to be returned to you, following your return. We charge £5 for the returning of the key and a further £5 to collect it again prior to the next set of visits.
  6. Ensure that the email and telephone numbers that you give to the sitter are not your work details – when you’re on holiday, you’re also away from work so we need to be able to contact you.
  7. Set the thermostat in your house to a temperature comfortable for your cat.
  8. Advise us if you have any recent concerns about your pet’s health so that we can look out for symptoms and update you while you’re away.
  9. Let us know if anyone else if expected to enter your home during the time we’re looking after your pet and when (cleaner / builders / friends).
  10. Are any parts of the house off-limits to your pets? Let us know.
Love Cats Admin

Published by
Love Cats Admin

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